Structure Your Paper

Learn how to structure your paper for publication. IEEE has put together some tips and best practices for what should be included in your conference paper.


Your paper title should be specific, concise, and descriptive. Avoid using unnecessary words such as “new” or “novel”. Include keywords that will help a reader find your paper.


Provide a concise summary of the research conducted. Include the conclusions reached and the potential implications of those conclusions. Your abstract should also:

First Footnote

Funding footnote

If the research reported in your paper was supported by a funding source, include the funder’s name and grant information in a footnote on the first page of the paper.

Human and animal research statements

For papers reporting on research involving human subjects or animals, complete and include one of the following human/animal research statements in a footnote on the first page of the paper:

Refer to the  IEEE’s  policy on Research on Human and Animal Subjects.


Help the reader understand why your research is important and what it is contributing to the field.

Also state your motivation for doing your research and what it will contribute to the field.


Formulate your research question. It should include:

The methods section should be described in enough detail for someone to replicate your work.

Results and Discussion

Show the results that you achieved in your work and offer an interpretation of those results. Acknowledge any limitations of your work and avoid exaggerating the importance of the results.


Summarize your key findings. Include important conclusions that can be drawn and further implications for the field. Discuss benefits or shortcomings of your work and suggest future areas for research.


You can recognize individuals who provided assistance with your work, but who do not meet the definition of authorship. The acknowledgments section is optional.


Provide citation information for all the previous publications referred to in your paper. Cite only those references that directly support your work.